This is one of my favorite drawings...I've thought about coloring it, but I don't seem to have the time to get around to it...
Hmm...and while I'm thinking about it, I often wonder why there are people who cannot separate fantasy from reality. I love drawing BDSM art--I love fantasizing about muscular, handsome men in fantasy/sci-fi settings being tortured, beaten, abused, raped, etc, etc. Hell, I love
some BDSM in the real world.
That said, I can't understand people who
actually want to a) get castrated or b) snuffed. That's when even I with my occasionally libertine sensibilities goes, "WTF? Seek help!" Fantasy is a playground--kind of like the sandbox, but a lot more expansive. Of course, as you get older, you have to know where, when and how to draw the line between the wanderings of the mind and the limits of the body.