Thursday, May 2, 2013

More Progress!

Okay, so things have been a little hectic, so I haven't had as much time to devote to poor Korak in the well like I'd like to. Here's what I've got so far...

I decided to make the pit an ancient pit with lava at the bottom. I can't wait to color this one!


Unknown said...

HOT HOT HOT I love it I know Have Tentacles raping that hot BOD Shit keep up the HOT WORK

rer said...

Do another drawing like this.But have an alien gut punch him.

musclsvg said...
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musclsvg said...

Great idea having lava at the bottom of the pit. That way along with the agony inflicted on Korak's cock and balls he also have to contend with the rising heat and noxious fumes. The vapors could cause him to hallucinate all manner of things. Tentacled monsters. Tormenting apparitions.

Tyler said...

Very hot! Especially with the lava :)

Would be terrible for the poor jungle boy if, in addition to the boiling pit, some vicious jungle predator such as a sharp-fanged snake was slowly making it's way down the rope towards him, ready to stick it's fangs into the first meaty thing it finds..

Jotto said...

LOVE IT! The form and composition are hot in more ways than one. Talk about smoldering! In real life, being that close too lava, he would be already burnt to a crisp. But it's that leap of fantasy that makes it awesome. I can hardly wait to see the colored version of this exciting work.

Unknown said...

As a long time follower of your work, I must say that you continue to impress! I also wanted to share that your description of the piece inspired something devious in my mind....

What if it wasn't lava, but instead some weird sludge that Korak's captors created for one sole purpose: to change the jungle boy into a hulking, merciless hunter. And why would they do such a thing? To have Korak hunt his own father, Tarzan. The sludge will amplify everything already in his genetic makeup and make him stronger, faster, tougher, and will finally give Tarzan a true challenge...a challenge that will change the hunter to the hunted.