I think Tarzan's a favorite subject for the gay BDSM artist. After all, it's as though he was created to be a bondage fetish. Read any of Edgar Rice Burrough's novels--not a one goes by without Tarzan being tied up or fighting someone or something bigger than him. And, it goes without saying, ERB's description of him helps A LOT. A hot, muscular man in a skimpy loincloth going around fighting and getting tied up. The porn nearly writes (or, in this case, draws) itself.
i agree 100%. The work of Alberon and you are both my faves for the long haired loin clothed one.
speaking of bigger opponents.
hey, Belasco sent me your way, nice work.
Definitely agree about Tarzan as a BDSM bottom. Bondage is definitely his thing. Ropes, chains, cages, shackles, collars, you name it and the ape-man deserves it!
YOu are awesome with this Bondage and muscles - one can almost smell the fear sweat
Again I view your work -
A few beautiful lines and pow ! Tarzan is in DOMINATION AND ROPED for torture - Gosh he suffers beautifully
Great shoulders and triceps. The whole thing is perfect. I can just see him being sacrificed to some fertility serpent with tail wrapped around the neck of his balls and huge fangs sinking into the ballmeat giving him a final painful erection.
I really like the feet in this one. I added a link to your blog from mine. Check it out sometime. www.achillesheelart.blogspot.com
I completely agree - Tarzan is the perfect subject for BDSM artwork. And he struggles up until the very end, never giving up.
The shoulders, triceps, and chest in this image are extraordinary. And you can FEEL the torc in his bulging nuts as they are pulled almost to the breaking point.
I love AdamJ's idea of sacrificing Tarzan to some fertility god, his big cock and full, heavy balls the focus of the sacrifice. His captors wait a week or more, until Tarzan's balls are positively bloated with cum, and then sacrifice him to the huge python. The serpent wraps its tongue around those massive man fruit and pulls them farther from his crotch than they've ever been pulled before, right to the brink of ripping loose. Tarzan is so horny at this point that even this brutal abuse of his big balls causes his thick cock to become hard as steel, bobbing with his powerful heartbeat and on the verge of unleashing its mammoth load. Right as Tarzan is about to cum, the python bites down like a bear trap, sinking its fangs deep into the meat of those twin bull balls. Tarzan throws back his handsome head and bellows in agony, as the largest orgasm in his life thunders from his massive cock...
I have to join the chorus here. Tarzan is never hotter than when he's taken prisoner and in danger. I still remember the first time I saw "Tarzan's Fight for Life". Gordon Scott as the apeman is captured by natives after he climbs up a waterfall. Exhausted from the ordeal, he's knock unconscious from behind. The jungle lord comes to tied spread eagle to a rack between two dugouts as he's being taken down stream. Arriving at a tribal village, he's lashed to a yoke and led like a beast of burden through a hostile crowd to be imprisoned. Seeing the white ape bound and under their control, the witch doctor and his henchman then decide it would be to their advantage to use Tarzan as a human sacrafice. It was an erotic introduction to The King of The Jungle and in time an often repeated "seminal" moment.
Adam J's idea making Tarzan an offering to a serpentine fertility god is great as is the way sfzephyr expanded on it. It reminds me of Burroughs' novel where his hero is captured upon entering Opar. The unevolved inhabitants set upon the white savage in numbers too great for him to overcome. They quickly bind him hand and foot and bear him forth to their temple. His bronzed, muscular, near naked physique in sharp contrast to the dark, lumbering, slack-jawed neanderthals that transport him. Once inside the temple confines the apeman is chained to a blood stained altar. His captors then wait for the sun to reach it's zenith as a droning chant and dull drumbeat mark the time. Ultimately the Oparmen plan to plunge a sacred dagger into their victim's heart and drink his blood.
This is where an idea like sfzephyr's could improve upon Burroughs' original story. Why not strip the apeman completely naked and subject him to hours of cock and ball torture. Bring him to the brink of orgasm any number of times only to deny him ejaculation. Then when the moment is right and jungle lord's balls are bursting with hot, potent cum, savagely milk him until a pagan goblet brims with his semen. A stronger lifesource than blood to be consumed and it's brutal seizure evidence of the total domination of the magnificent specimen known as Tarzan of The Apes.
Wonderful pencil work, especially on the fine body hair. Delicious.
definitely hot. would like to see ur sketches of tarzan vs the ivory king. a very sinewy muscular tarzan rescuing jane from the muscle bound monster. skill vs size.
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