The assailant "tested" the captive apeman's strength with a "light" punch. The force of the blow, however, knocked the apeman's breath from him...and severely bruised his taut slab-like six-pack. The pain of the gutpunch was nearly as unbearable as the pain from the thorny, steel-like vine that dug into his tortured genitals...
...however, the next blows were far worse than that first, probing strike. He wasn't testing the apeman anymore. He aimed his strikes to do maximum damage to the apeman's muscular body. Each strike came faster and with more fury--despite having his hands free, the apeman did not have any time to try to shield his body from the vicious attacks.
The only sound that could be heard was the awful crunch of the granite fists on muscle and bone...and the apeman's anguished and blood-choked cries.
Eventually, the murderous beast had tired of playing with his prey. In one final, brutal attack, the assailant slammed his giant fist into the apeman's face. It was as though the beast channeled all his rage into this one, final punch, the fury of which the apeman had never before experienced. The apeman might as well have been a rag doll. His head snapped back at a sickening angle, his jaw and nose shattered. As conscious thought ebbed away, the apeman in his final moments knew that he had been finally broken.
WOW! Tremendously brutal and erotic! I love the progression of progressively more powerful punches. As always, you artwork leaves me wanting even more, to see even more abuse of this handsome stud before his demise. And I would have loved to see at least one crushing blow to Tarzan's heroic balls.
The cum dribbling from Tarzan's semi-hard cock in the last image was an awesome touch. The supremely virile young man made one last attempt to fertilize something - anything - before he died.
As always, absolutely amazing and load-inducing work, Kalabro!
So the Apeman guy is supposed to be Tarzan?
I feel like I've missed something...
I absolutely love this series of artwork, so tragically painful yet beautiful.
Masterful attention.
You capture them on so many levels.
I'd love to see inside your head, I think I'd watch your fantasies all day :)
the first bondage and last bondage pic show true sadism to perfection
I noticed you like Tarzan as a subject. I would just LOVE to see the Ape Man caught by a huge jungle Anaconda and crushed good, all of his muscle working.
yummy idea Daniel! perhaps a few natives drag tarzan to the anaconda and hold him stretched out, allowing it to easily wrap him up. then they leave and let the anaconda have lots and lots of quality time with tarzan. :D
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