Trapped in an ancient temple, Anak is attacked by cursed statues of evil gods. The statue of the four-armed god of bloodshed, Ch'iva, seizes Anak and, as is his manner of bloodshed, bends his muscular prey over his leg in order to break his back. Ch'iva's enormous strength threatens to rip Anak's ample member away from his body...or break his spine...or crush his neck!
Totally hot Kalabro! Can't wait to see the next pic. Maybe the Statue grabs Anak's big low hangers and squeezes them merciless!
Great drawings buddy. Loves!
Watch the statue hold Anak by his dick only over some deadly pit (spikes, deadly creatures?).
Though speaking of curses, aren't there usually curses for trespassing into ancient ruins? What's a good curse that can happen to the unfortunate hero?
( Ch'iva's enormous strength threatens to rip Anak's ample member away from his body...or break his spine...or crush his neck! )
Or all three. All three is good. No permanent consequence considering his regeneration abilities. Still hurts like hell though. But hey, he ignored the hypothetical DO NOT ENTER" sign (ie: the suggestion planted in his head that there is nothing in here, turn back now, sorta like sixth sense)
I'd like to see the statue hold Anak's arms and legs over his leg.And then with the other two hands.Start punching his abs very hard.And long. So Anak's starts throwing up blood.
I'd like to see the statue punch Anak's abs with all four arms at one time.Really work his abs over that way. He could hit him so hard he starts throwing up blood.
I knew Anak had to be in serious penile peril from the snippet you've all ready posted Kalabro, but this exceeds all expectation. The way he's bent over Chi'va's knee and the grip the titan has on the stud's cock is molten hot! Is this what they call "satutory" rape on Rylex? My guess is that the likes of Chi'va are just the first line of defense against trespassers in this mysterious temple. The powers that be within will let their sentinel have his fun with the naked intruder, but will intervene at the crucial moment. They're sure to have plans of their own for the hotly muscled hunk. A magnificent specimen like Anak could provide days of torturous entertainment for the demented dieties that reside here and after Chi'va Anak won't know what to expect!
love yer idea Rer! :D
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