I was digging around the computer and found this drawing. I remembered that I went through a phase where I was drawing scenes based on bodybuilder Evan Centopani. He's a super-heavyweight bodybuilder and the idea of a gigantic beast beating him was irresistible. This one is titled "Back For More"--there would have been other drawings where the beast on the left abuses Evan (as evidenced by the bruises and blood), leaves...and then, comes back for more. I never did another drawing here--perhaps I'll return to this.
hot drawing K. Ever done any modelled on Jakub Stefano?
No, I haven't--give it time; I may come around to him in a few years. At first, I thought he was a little too "twinkish" for me. Who knows.
Great drawing! Evan Centopani is a model worthy of your talents Kalabro. There's a morphed shot floating around the internet that takes a kneeling beach shot of Evan and gives him a cool simian vibe. His shoulders, arms and thighs are slightly enlarged so you could believe him lumbering around on all fours. Only standing errect to defend himself or assert his masculine dominance. The tone of his tanned skin has been alter to a shade resembling the fur found on a primate and what could be seen of his sling poser is gone. I'm not usually a fan of morphed shots, but this one is very sublte.
Well, enough about that and back to your drawing of Evan. Do you have a backstory as to how he became bound to that tree and left as prey? Or is he an offering? The physique on your equally well drawn beastman hints that the creature must have carnal appetites to be satisfied.
I agree with Copyright. It would be interesting to see what you would do with Jakub Stefano as your model. He has a very hot bod and those medallion sized nipples of his are hypnotic. I'm sure the way you wield a pencil could transform him into an alpha male dripping with testosterone and bannish any traces of twink about him.
P.S.: The uncut schlong on your beastman is hotly erotic. Evan better start growin' and showin' to apease him.
musclsvg, I'm glad you asked how Evan got bound to the tree. I'm thinking about a backstory that unifies all of my drawings/flights of fantasy--as I refine it, I'll post more about it. Evan is not on our world--he is on a savage world, having been stranded there after being abducted by a sadistic group of aliens. They're observing him and placing him in increasingly dangerous--and deadly--situations.
COPYRIGHT has a stunning Jakub Stefano gutpunching video on his site that will make you want to draw him any day - his tits and muscles are prime for torments al la Evan Centaponi style !
Bravo Copyright
Ha--I saw that gutpunching video. For about a minute, I was intrigued--I too thought, "Wow, now I could draw this," but there was something...I dunno, contrived about that video that turned me off fairly quickly. While Stefano has a great body, there's something that doesn't do it for me. Eh, different strokes and all that.
Kalabro - i know you like the BIG boys - so how about using our favorite boy Kraig Feldman again in some upcoming trauma of erotic muscle dominations .He is my favorite !
Ah, Kraig Feldman...gee, I wonder where he is these days?
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