This is the first of yet another series I'm thinking about. This bodybuilder is named Aaron and he's been abducted by an alien who is using his semen to nourish a field of gestating alien parasites. In this drawing, Aaron is being punished for resisting.
Great drawing and premise Kalabro! The idea that healthy, muscular Earth males possess the missing genetic component required by extra terrestrial invaders is very erotic. A form of rustling that supplies an inter-galactic slave trade. I'm sure that they would abduct a number of hardbodied specimens so that they would have a selection of subjects. It would be very hot to depict the aliens elimanating the roided out musclefreaks from the clean, natural bodybuilders with healthy, cum producing testes. The latter of course would be treated like thoroughbred livestock and the harvesting of their potent, milky jizz would begin immediately. The "juicers" would continue to be given large doses of their substance of choice until their chemical "gelding" is fully realized leaving them over developed and lobotomized. Once admired musclestuds now no better than oxen. Even distant planets have a need for beasts of burden.
Your depiction of Aaron is fantastic. As usual. I wonder about his captors' brand of punishment though. It makes a great visual, but the shock treatment induces an involuntary ejaculation and a major loss of semen. Perhaps Aaron's tormentors could employ a more sensual, but sinister approach. One where pain is inflicted to achieve optimum arousal, but climax is repeatedly denied. Soon Aaron's torture is compounded from within by his need to expel the massive amounts of jizz welling in his boiling balls. Then, finally, when the sperm in Aaron's body reaches toxic levels, the aliens will be able to catch every drop of the torrent of hot, milky cum within the magnificently muscled body of their captured Earth male as it spews violently from his tautly enraged cock.
Thanks for the comments, guys. musclsvg, what I'm going for (or at least, what's going on in my mind right now) is that his alien captor is going to drain him dry and then some...and will be severely tortured for not being able to produce more.
My apologies Kalabro. I wasn't trying to put thoughts in your head or plot points in your premise. It's just that your work is always so hotly erotic that my brain can't help but race ahead and "con-cock-t" a story. You should know because I've posted some of them here. I can't wait to see "what's going on in your brain right now" make it's way to this blog. The brief glimpse you given here sounds very exciting. To have to wait for it is as torturous as anything the alien could inflict on the uniquely shackled, magnificently muscled body of his captive Aaron.
YES! luv the idea of severely torturing him for not producing more sperm- filled wet cum .
Do it !
musclsvg: no worries. I appreciate reading your comments--creative minds may think differently. ;-)
mmm another lovely fantasy lucien! email me. ohhspankme@yahoo.com would sooo love to chat privately :D Kalabro is just amazing! i have had fantasies of bing brutalized too but his artwork makes it even hotter to think about
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